Sasha & Arina’s Paso Doble
Oil on allinpanel, 16 x 20”
This painting features 2024 Dutch Open World Amateur Latin Champions Alexander Chernositov and Arine Grishanina, and was inspired by a paso doblé routine that they performed in 2024.
Oil on linen, 18 x 20”
This painting features Vladyslav Komelkov and Dr. Nadira Husein, and was inspired by a tango that they performed at the CanAm DanceSport Gala in Toronto, Ontario in 2022.
commission pricing
Commissioned oil paintings on linen start at $1,900 USD, and commissioned drawings on toned paper start at $770 USD. For more information with respect to pricing, please email shannon@fineartofdance.com.
ordering a commission
Artwork can be created working from either high quality photographs, or from video footage similar to the HD video footage posted to YouTube. For example, all works featuring Ricccardo Cocchi and Yulia Zagoruychenko were created working from HD video footage.
This painting, Resurrection (The Matador), featuring International Latin dance champions, Riccardo Coccchi and Yulia Zagoruychenko, and was created working from HD video available on YouTube.
Select from two types of artwork - a drawing or an oil painting. Drawings may be 10 x 14” or larger. Paintings with one dancer may be 12 x 16” or larger, as long as the selected size can be created using standard stretcher bars. Paintings featuring a couple may be 16 x 20” or larger, again, as long as the selected size can be created using standard stretcher bars. The price of the piece can then be calculated based on the type of artwork and size; see the Pricing Guide below.
The initial study may be a simple drawing or a colour study. The purpose of the study is to confirm the proportions of the figures, work out shadow shapes, and potentially the colours to be used in the piece. The client must approve the study before the piece can progress to the next stage.
This drawing of pro dancers Dmytro Gurkov and Celeste Bailey is the kind of initial study that is typically completed as part of the process of developing a more formal piece of art. You can see the finished piece here.
This process can take as little as several weeks, and as long as several months. Factors that may impact how long it takes to complete a piece include the size, medium, and what other projects are ongoing. Typically drawings will be completed faster than paintings, and smaller paintings will be completed faster than large paintings.
If a client needs a piece completed by a specific date, this information ought to be provided when the commission order is first submitted.
The artwork will either be hand delivered (to clients living in the Greater Toronto Area) or shipped to the client. Paintings will not be delivered until they have had at least 4 weeks to dry, and are dry to the touch.
Once a painting has been drying for 6 months, it also ought to be varnished to ensure that the work is protected.
You can celebrate your dancing in a unique way.
If you dance competitively, you know how amazing it feels to hit the floor with your hair and make-up done to perfection, in a costume that makes you feel beautiful, doing what you love - dancing. You can celebrate this moment for years to come by investing in a piece of art.
The pose displayed in your piece can be modified, so you put your best foot forward.
All kinds of little changes can be incorporated into a commission that cannot be achieved through photoshop, including:
fixing pigeon toes;
accentuating hand styling;
changes to the dancer’s facial expression; and
improved posture.
This list is non-exhaustive. If a client is interested in modifying the original reference material when ordering a commission, this information ought to be provided at the outset.
If you own a business, a piece of art can be a tax write-off.
Original art is an amortization expense for Canadian businesses and corporations, and the cost can be deducted over several years as a capital cost allowance as long as:
the artist was a Canadian citizen when the work was created;
the work is an original worth at least $200;
the art must be related to the business’s commercial activities. For example, the work must be exhibited in a place of business, such as a reception area, conference room or office, where it will be seen by clients.
If the buyer is also a GST registrant, taxes paid when the artwork was purchased can also be recovered by inputing tax credits.
Please note that to be eligible for these tax benefits, the art cannot be hung in a personal residence, unless the individual has an office where they receive clients.
To learn more, speak with a business accountant.